Care Center Huntsville

Care Center Huntsville: Nurturing Hope and Health in Walker County

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Executive Director Jackie Barham Highlights Mission, Services, and Upcoming Events

HUNTSVILLE, Texas – Care Center Huntsville, a non-profit organization committed to providing compassionate, non-judgmental assistance for individuals and families in Walker County, is one of the benefactors for the Rays of Hope donation drive-thru on Saturday, July 29.

Jackie Barham, Executive Director Care Center Huntsville
Jackie Barham, Executive Director Care Center Huntsville

For over two decades, Care Center Huntsville has offered free pregnancy tests, ultrasounds, prenatal services, parenting classes, and STD testing. The center also provides post-abortion services and courses for individuals who have experienced sexual abuse.

“We aim to tell the truth about healthy life choices. We focus on emotional, physical, relational, and spiritual health,” said Jackie Barham, Executive Director of Care Center Huntsville. “Our services are free and available to both men and women, including students at Sam Houston State University.”

The center also offers parenting classes and a ‘Hope Project’ where attendees can earn ‘baby bucks’ to purchase essentials like diapers, wipes, and baby lotion. This initiative aims to provide practical support to local families while encouraging engagement in informative parenting discussions.

Care Center Huntsville is actively seeking volunteers to join their frontline team as client advocates, particularly males, to help support the center’s expanding client base. They also encourage young individuals looking for internships in the mission field to apply.

Care Center Huntsville Building

“We have a prayer team that stands behind us as we work to support our clients through their difficult times. We’d love to expand this team and our frontline advocates,” said Barham.

Care Center Huntsville is also preparing for its 24th Annual Celebrating Life Banquet, the center’s most significant fundraising event of the year. The banquet’s theme is based on the Bible verse Ephesians 2:10, highlighting the good works created by God in Jesus’s name.

For those interested in contributing to the Rays of Hope donation drive-thru event on Saturday, July 29 at the HEB Huntsville parking lot, Care Center Huntsville is primarily seeking baby items such as diapers, wipes, baby lotions, and soaps.

Related Links:
Care Center Huntsville Website
More about Rays of Hope
Rays of Hope Donation Form

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