Rep. Pete Sessions Hosts Town Hall in Huntsville

Featured Articles Huntsville Texas News News Sam Houston State University News

Updates on Washington Legislation, Community Voices, and Local Officials Join the Dialogue

Article by Morgan Robertson. Reposted with permission from Mike Yawn. All photos are from the original article.

Although Pete Sessions has been in Congress for 20-plus years, he has only represented the Huntsville area for less than a year. In that time, he’s held several events here, and this week, he held a “town hall.” With him were district staff, including Ingrid Cuero, an SHSU student interning in his office. I was also there to take photos, and to catch up on the goings-on in Washington.

Congressman Sessions began by providing updates on legislation everyone should be aware of during session, including healthcare, Medicare, border security and inflation. With all these issues on the table, it’s no surprise there were many folks from the community on hand, many of them with a lot to say.

In addition, it was nice to see many of our local officials on hand, including County Judge, Colt Christian; County Clerk, Leslie Woolley; District Attorney, Will Durham; Mayor Andy Brauninger; City Manager, Aron Kulhavy; Assistant City Manager Sam Masiel.

As a LEAP Ambassador, it was also nice to see many from the University present. We were able to say hi to SHSU’s Chief Strategy Officer, General Glaser; Vice President of University Advancement, Matthew Bethea; Deputy to the President, McCartney Johnson; Executive Assistant, Jennifer Alexander. The University has been very supportive of our internship programs and us individually, giving us a lot to be grateful for.

It’s great to see our University officials, local officials, and congressional representatives working together!

The Center for Law, Engagement, And Politics is non-partisan. The Center does provide internships to elected officials of both parties, and LEAP Ambassadors often attend town-halls, council meetings, or commissioner court meetings to become more informed about their community.

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