Two Blondes and a Bakery: A Sweet Expansion in Huntsville

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Local Favorites Grow Bigger and Sweeter

HUNTSVILLE, Texas — Nestled in the vibrant Midway Plaza shopping center, Two Blondes and a Bakery has recently unveiled its new location, offering Huntsville a delightful expansion of space and sweetness. The beloved bakery, owned by Lexie French and Taylor Reddoch, has grown from a quaint 400 square feet to a spacious venue three times that size, a testament to their dedication and the community’s unwavering support.

For Lexie and Taylor, both Huntsville natives, the bakery is more than just a business; it’s a homecoming. “This community has been incredible. From the moment we started, they’ve supported us, and seeing them show up for us in every way has been overwhelming,” Lexie shared, her voice brimming with gratitude. The bakery’s success is deeply rooted in this tight-knit community, where customers are not just patrons but family, known by name and their favorite treats.

The journey of Two Blondes and a Bakery began with a friendship forged in their early teens and a shared entrepreneurial spirit. “We’ve balanced each other out perfectly,” Taylor reflected. “Starting from a wedding planning venture to now running a bakery, it’s been a journey of passion, learning, and growth.” Their partnership thrives on complementing strengths, with Lexie’s baking talents beautifully paired with Taylor’s flair for marketing and design.

The bakery’s offerings are a labor of love, inspired by Lexie’s early baking days with her grandmother and honed through self-taught skills and experimentation. “Baking was my stress relief,” Lexie recalled, detailing the bakery’s serendipitous start from baking for friends and wedding clients to finding their first official space, guided by faith and a shared vision.

As they settled into their new, larger location, the duo reflected on their journey and the future. “Moving here felt like fulfilling a promise,” Lexie said, remembering dreams of a bakery filled with light from large windows — a dream now realized. Their expansion allows for a broader menu and the ability to host more guests, offering a cozy spot for the community to gather and enjoy their delicious creations.

Two Blondes and a Bakery prides itself on catering to virtually any event. Whether it’s a casual drop-in for a daily treat or a special occasion requiring a custom order, Lexie and Taylor are eager to accommodate. “Just call us up and ask,” Taylor encourages. “We’re always excited to try something new and make our customers’ visions come to life.”

For those looking to experience the warmth and delightful flavors of Two Blondes and a Bakery, you can find them at the Midway Plaza shoipping center, 1329 University Ave Suite B, Huntsville. Reach out via phone at (936) 439-4449 or email at for inquiries or to place an order. You may also visit their website at or following them on Facebook – The bakery’s growth is a sweet chapter in Huntsville’s local business story, one that Lexie and Taylor are thrilled to share with the community that has nurtured them from the start.

As Two Blondes and a Bakery continues to bake up joy and connection in their new home, Lexie and Taylor look forward to welcoming old friends and new faces alike. Their story is a testament to the power of friendship, community support, and the pursuit of doing what you love.

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