Toy Tales by Adler Family Toys: Why Wooden Toys Are More Than Just a Nostalgic Trend

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Unlocking Imagination with Open-Ended Toys at Adler Family Toys

As parents, we want something of value and made with integrity which not only is appreciated by our kids but also stimulates their creative and cognitive development. This is why Adler Family Toys has chosen to focus on toys that are conducive to those factors; “simple, open-ended toys.”

A recent study was noted in The Guardian highlighting the irony of many educational toys, stating they often don’t leave much for the children to do or figure out on their own. The article quoted psychologist Kathy Hirsh-Pasek, who said, “The best toys are 90% the kid, 10% the toy. If it’s 90% the toy, and 10% the kid, that’s a problem.” (RAD childrens furniture blog).

The Center for Early Childhood Education conducted a decade-long study to investigate the impact of different types of toys on play. After analyzing the data, they found that simple, open-ended, non-realistic toys inspired the highest-quality play.

The results of the study showed that children who play with simple, open-ended toys were more likely to engage in creative play, problem solving, peer interaction, and language development. These types of toys allow children to use their imaginations and come up with their own stories and scenarios, which can enhance their cognitive and social development.

In contrast to simple, open-ended toys, the study found that electronic toys tend to limit kids’ play. Electronic toys are often pre-programmed and have limited options for interaction, which can be detrimental to a child’s development.

For example, a plastic cash register that produced sounds when buttons were pushed mostly inspired children to repeatedly push the buttons, rather than engaging in imaginative play. This type of play can be less stimulating and less beneficial for a child’s development compared to play with simple, open-ended toys.

At Adler Family Toys, it’s our top priority to offer a space for children and parents to experience these toys together. 

Discover a World of Fun at Adler Family Toys in Downtown Huntsville, Texas

Step into a universe of imagination and learning with Adler Family Toys, the top toy store in Huntsville! As a family-owned venture, our roots intertwine with values of joy, educational enrichment, and the timeless charm of quality toys. From tabletop strategy games, toddler gyms, physics-based toys, to crossbow sets, our expansive selection ensures that kids of all ages and interests find their little piece of happiness. Committed to quality, safety, and a splendid customer experience, our store provides not just toys but instruments that weave learning into play seamlessly. Mini vespas hone hand-eye coordination, while our cactus balance game and science kits subtly embed strategy and world-knowledge into fun-filled moments. Adler Family Toys isn’t just a store – it’s where quality, education, and play converge to create smiles, memories, and moments of pure childhood delight! Explore with us and find the perfect gift for every occasion, ensuring every toy from our shelves brings not just joy but also a spark of learning and creativity into every child’s playtime.

Adler Family Toys
1219 Sam Houston Ave
Huntsville, TX 77340
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